Playful Paper

Character Design

I had the pleasure of working with the talented team at Buck
and explore some paper character concepts.
Developing these characters was quite challenging as I wanted them to be singular/unique and, at the same time, be able to build them out of paper.
It was a pleasure to work on this project (:

Hope you like it!​​​​​​​

Sketches Construction​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Initial Construction
Paper Forms

This was our first character model to stress test how far we can push 
curves and forms to create our new look.

Body Shapes
Some basic shapes, playing with proportions 
and different base sizes.
Character Design
Simple Style

Our Animals
First Sketches
The last
but not least
Look & Feel

ACD Mandy Smith . Senior Art Director Fabrizio Lenci
Designer Catarina Alves, Anna Moessnang 3D Designer Jonas Nunes

Thank you all!

Playful Paper